Saturday, December 13, 2008

Brewing with OSBC

Fellow blogger and homebrewer Keith is brewing an oatmeal stout today, and I'll be acting as assistant brewmaster- if I can convince his dogs to give up their positions.  He was one of the first homebrewers that I met in the area and an all-around great guy with a real passion for beer and brewing.

Sampling beers is a big part of every brew day- and today is no different.  

I'll be bringing Howl at the Moon Smoked Porter. This is a brown porter with 50% of the grainbill comprised of beechwood-smoked malt.

Keith is contributing his 70/-, saison, and Dunkelweizen.

The recipe for Howl at the Moon, if you'd like to attempt it:

5 lbs Rauchmalt
3 lbs Munich
1 lb CaraPils
12 oz Crystal 40L
12 oz Dark Chocolate malt
1.2 oz Challenger 7.0% AA


  1. Thanks bro! That was fun, and the beer was GREAT! You really need to enter that smoked porter in a comp!

  2. I'm really proud of the way that one came out- time to hit up the AHA site to find sanctioned comps to enter it in! I bottled a 12 pack off the keg yesterday to set aside. I'm drinking it too damn fast!

  3. Was his Scottish ale ready to drink?

  4. Indeed it was, but we discovered that it was slightly overattentuated, so the body was a little thin. Very quaffable just the same!
